Pre-Paid Funerals
Pre-Paid Funerals
While pre-arranging your funeral has no up-front cost to you, for those of you wishing to lock in your funeral preference items at today’s prices, we also offer pre-paid funerals. Funds paid towards your funeral are deposited with an external pre-paid funeral fund management company, like Foresters Friendly Society or Funeral Plan Management, ensuring your money is safe and available for use specifically for the funeral. With all of your preferences and choices recorded and the funeral money set aside, you will have no need to worry about the funeral in any way as the time approaches, nor will your family and loved ones.
At Portland Funeral Services our funeral directors are experienced professionals who you can contact at any time. Our staff will help explain the various funeral service options like casket choice, flowers and service sheets that you may care to consider and will ensure your wishes are properly recorded.